CARE International – snažna podrška za izbeglice/migrante

CARE International –  a powerful support to the refugees/migrants

Od samog otvaranja Centra za azil u Tutinu, od početka 2014. godine, IMPULS pruža solidarnu podršku migrantima. To je bila feministička pomoć ljudima u nevolji. Prikupljali smo odeću i obuću, a prostor u našoj organizaciji su mogli slobodno da koriste. Tu su mogli da se istuširaju, pripreme hranu koju vole, slave rođendane, da se čuju sa svojima…

When the Asylum Center was first opened in Tutin, at the beginning of 2014, IMPULS started providing relief in solidarity to the migrants. That was feminist support to people in distress. We collected clothes and footwear, and gave them free access to our organization’s space. This is where they could take a shower, prepare the food they like, celebrate birthdays, call their family members, etc.

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Podrška koju smo od maja 2016. godine dobili od CARE International-a je pomogla da strukturiramo naš rad, a to je da na organizovan način pratimo potrebe i obezbedimo potrebne artikle. Prvenstveno su to higijenska sredstva, obuća, odeća i, naravno, hrana.

The support we received from CARE International as of May 2016 has helped us structure our work, i.e. monitor the needs and provide the necessary supplies in an organized way. These are primarily sanitary products, footwear, clothing and, of course, food.

Pomažemo izbeglicama smeštenim u Centru za azil u Tutinu i Sjenici.  U Sjenici postoje dva centra: jedan za muškarce/samce, drugi – za porodice. Porodice se dugo zadržavaju, uglavnom preko godinu dana.

We support the refugees accommodated in the Asylum Centers in Tutin and Sjenica.  In Sjenica, there are two separate centers: one for the men/single persons, and another for families. The families tend to stay in the Centers longer, usually more than a year.

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Od maja 2016. do sredine aprila 2018.godine, uz podršku CARE-a, svakodnevno smo odnosili prehrambene artikle – mleko, voće, voćne kašice za bebe, keks, vodu. Obezbeđivali smo i veš, odeću, obuću, posteljinu, peškire, jastuke, sredstva za higijenu, kao i grejna tela – tamo gde je postojala potreba. Centre smo posećivali 4 do 5 puta nedeljno. 

From May 2016 to mid-April 2018, with the support of CARE, we provided these Centers with daily supplies of foodstuffs – milk, fruit, baby food (fruit purées), biscuits and water. We also provided underwear, bedding, clothing, footwear, towels, pillows, sanitary products and heaters – where needed. We visited the Centers 4 to 5 times a week.

Dodela pomoći se vršila na osnovu spiska. U Sjenici obično za vreme ručka, kada su svi prisutni, a u Tutinu ujutru. U distribuciji, uz pomoć zaposlenih u Centrima su učestvovali volonteri Impuls-a, koordinatorka i asistentkinja. Smatramo da Centri poseduju veliki potencijal, koji, uz dobru organizaciju, može da bude vrlo koristan – ne samo migrantima već i čitavoj zajednici. 

Relief was being distributed according to a list. In Sjenica, it was usually at lunchtime, when everybody was present, and in Tutin in the morning. In the process of distribution, helping the Centers’ staff were also Impuls volunteers, coordinator and her assistant. We believe that the Centers have a great  potential, which, coupled with good organization, could be of great benefit – not only to the migrants, but also to the entire society.

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Puno vremena smo provodili u razgovoru sa migrantima, što nam je između ostalog  pomoglo da na adekvatan način odgovorimo na njihove potrebe. Takođe, nakon svakog završenog projekta, sprovodili smo evaluaciju kroz upitnik, kako bi pružali kvalitetniju podršku.

We spent a lot of time talking with the migrants, which also helped us cater for their needs in an adequate way. Also, after each completed project, we conducted an evaluation in the form of questionnaire, so as to maximally improve the quality of our support.

Puno radimo sa ženama i od njih smo naučile da pravimo orijentalni nakit, da plešemo, da spremamo njihovu tradicionalnu hranu. Kroz razgovore se pokazalo da postoji potreba za otvaranjem jednog mesta, Centra za žene ili Kreativnog centra. Tu bi mnoge osobe mogle slobodno da izraze svoju kreativnost.

We work a lot with women, and they taught us how to make oriental jewelry, their dances and to prepare their traditional food. It transpired through our exchanges that there is a need for a new place, a Center for Women or a Creative Center. A place where they could freely express their creativity.

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Svi mi u IMPULS-u smo jako zahvalni za poverenje koje nam ukazuje CARE. To je ogromna podrška za naš rad, rad na terenu, rad sa drugima. Zahvalni smo i što je mogućnost da bliže upoznamo život migranata svakako obogatila i naša lična iskustva.

All of us in IMPULS are deeply grateful for the trust CARE has put in us. It is enormous support to our work, our field activities and cooperation with others. We are grateful for having been given the opportunity to get to know the life of the migrants better, which has by all means enriched our personal experience.