VI Festival ženskog prijateljstva
Sixth Festival of Women’s Friendship
Tri dana Festivala u Tutinu su obeležila brojna predavanja, radionice, pozorišne predstave, druženje aktivistkinja iz četiri zemlje u regionu… Međutim, ovaj Festival će ostati upamćen i zbog ozbiljnog ugrožavanja bezbednosti i ljudskih prava učesnica drugog dana manifestacije, tokom javnog performansa protiv nasilja nad ženama na gradskom Trgu. Mi, organizatorke Festivala kao i učesnice, takve napade vidimo kao flagrantno kršenje Ustava i zakona Republike Srbije, kao nameru zastrašivanja, tako da, od nadležnih institucija očekujemo da će preuzeti sve neophodne mere kako bi se inicijatori pretnji indentifikovali i procesuirali.
The three days of the Festival in Tutin were marked by numerous lectures, workshops, theater performances, socializing of the activists coming from four different countries in the region… Nevertheless, this Festival will also be remembered because of the serious threats to the participants’ security and violation of their human rights on the second day of the manifestation, during the public performance opposing violence against women, in the Main City Square. We, as the organizers of the Festival and as participants, see such attacks as a flagrant violation of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Serbia, intended to intimidate us, and therefore, we expect the responsible institutions to take all necessary measures to identify and process the originators of the threats.
Šesti Festival ženskog prijateljstva održan je od 2-4. avgusta 2019. i okupio je preko 70 učesnica iz Severne Makedonije, Crne Gore, Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine. Naziv “Pobuna je ženska” obuhvatio je teme kojima smo se bavile – podsetile smo se i razgovarale o istoriji ženskog organizovanja, ženskom otporu i borbi za pravo na dostojanstven rad, borbi za očuvanje zdrave životne sredine, pravu na vodu, ženskom preduzetništvu, ženskom stvaralaštvu…
Tokom tri dana su organizovani brojni paneli, predavanja, pozorišna predstava, performansi, izložbe i radionice…
The sixth Festival of Women’s Friendship was held from 2nd to 4th August 2019, bringing together over 70 participants from Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The title “It’s a Women’s Rebellion” encompassed the topics we addressed – we reminded of and talked about the history of women’s organizing, women’s resistance and the struggle for the right to decent work, for the preservation of a healthy environment, the right to water, women’s entrepreneurship, women’s creativity…
During the three days, numerous panels, lectures, plays, performances, exhibitions and workshops were organized …
Kraći presek prvog dana Festivala – Prvi panel
Feministički festivali, prostori kreativne pobune za ženska prava
A brief overview of the first day of the Festival – The first panel
Feminist festivals, spaces for creative rebellion for women’s rights
Učestvovale su Kristina Lelovac, Dženeta Agović, Ervina Dabižinović, a razgovor je moderirala Sara Saljić.
Kristina Lelovac je profesionalna glumica i docentkinja na Fakultetu dramskih umetnosti u Skoplju, gde takođe pohađa doktorske studije iz teatrologije. Njena polja interesovanja su stručna obuka glumaca i promišljanje pozorišnih praksi u kontekstu (savremene) političke stvarnosti.
Ona predstavlja organizaciju Tiiit! Inc, Skopje, koja deluje na polju ženskih prava i nezavisne kulturne scene u Makedoniji. Kristina je govorila o festivalu koji je njena grupa Tiiit! Inc. pokrenula 2013. godine – PRVO PA ŽENSKO (prvorođena devojka). To je Festival koji promoviše feminizam, podržava rodnu ravnopravnost i doprinosi suštinskom prepoznavanju ženskog intelektualnog i kreativnog stvaralaštva.
With the participation of Kristina Lelovac, Dženeta Agović, Ervina Dabižinović and Sara Saljić as moderator of the discussion.
Kristina Lelovac is a professional actress and assistant professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Skopje, where she also pursues doctoral studies in theater studies. Her fields of interest are vocational training of actors and reflection on theater practices in the context of (contemporary) political reality.
She represents Tiiit! Inc., Skopje, which operates in the field of women’s rights and the independent cultural scene in Macedonia. Kristina spoke about the festival that her group Tiiit! Inc. launched in 2013 – FIRST BORN GIRL. It is a Festival that promotes feminism, supports gender equality and contributes to the essential recognition of women’s intellectual and creative creativity.
Dženeta Agović, feministkinja i mirovna aktivistkinja, govorila je o Festivalu ženskog prijateljstva, koji je Impuls pokrenuo 2013. godine, sa ciljem da to bude mesto povezivanja i osnaživanja feministkinja iz regiona. Mnogo je sjajnih žena i inicijativa u čitavom regionu o kojima se malo zna, pošto su žene rasute i njihov rad i doprinos često nevidljiv. Zajedno sa drugaricama iz srodnih organizacija i feminističkim prijateljicama sve te inicijative se povezuju kroz festival. Festival je mesto susreta I radovanja žena različitih iskustava i identiteta kroz koje se žene osnažuju.
Dženeta je govorila o autentičnosti Festivala kao mestu slobode, osnaživanja, učenja, razmene iskustava,slavljenja feminizma i feministkinja. Kao posebnu vrednost je istakla da žene iz malih sredina imaju mogućnost da se čuju, promovišu svoje aktivnosti i stvaralaštvo, da se povezuju sa drugim bliskim organizacijama, uspostave saradnju i motivišu na dalji rad. Žene koje dolaze povezuje feminističko sestrinstvo, vrednosni sistem mira, solidarnosti, nenasilja I poštovanja ljudskih prava.
Dzeneta Agovic, a feminist and peace activist, spoke about the Festival of Women’s Friendship, launched by Impulse in 2013, with the aim of being a place connecting and empowering feminists from the region. There are many great women and initiatives throughout the region that little is known about, as women are scattered and their work and contributions are often invisible. Together with female friends from related organizations and feminist friends, all these initiatives are connected through the festival. The festival is a place for women to meet and enjoy the different experiences and identities through which women empower themselves.
Dzeneta spoke of the authenticity of the Festival as a place of freedom, empowerment, learning, sharing experiences, celebrating feminism and feminists. She emphasized that women from small communities have the opportunity to be heard, to promote their activities and creativity, to connect with other sister organizations, to establish cooperation and motivate for further work. The participants are bound together by feminist sorority, a value system of peace, solidarity, nonviolence and respect of human rights.
Ervina Dabižinović je aktivistkinja i feministkinja iz organizacije civilnog društva ANIMA – Centar za žensko i mirovno obrazovanje – Kotor.
Doktorirala je na doktorskom programu – rodne studije Asocijacija Centara za interdisciplinarna i multidisciplinarna istraživanja ACIMSI Univerzitet Novi Sad, na temi – Diskursi o ženama Boke Kotorske 1815-2015: rodni identiteti. Govorila je o važnosti postojanja festivala uopšte i potrebi za ženskim prostorima kao što su festivali. Anima organizuje osmomartovsku konferenciju od 2009. godine do danas, pa je Ervina govorila da se tu okupljaju feministkinje iz Crne Gore, razgovaraju o aktuelnim temama, uče, druže se i podstiču na akciju.
Nakon izlaganja učesnica, otvorena je diskusija o potrebi za povezivanjem, jačanjem solidarnosti kao strategijom otpora patrijarhatu i podelama. Govorilo se o značaju kontinuiteta festivala i ženskih susreta, naročito za ženske organizacije koje rade u malim, udaljenim mestima, čiji se glas teško čuje.
Ervina Dabižinović is an activist and feminist from the civic organization of the ANIMA – Center for Women’s and Peace Education – Kotor.
She holds a PhD in Gender Studies from the Centers Association interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research ACIMSI University of Novi Sad, on the topic – Discourses on Women of Boka Kotorska 1815-2015: Gender Identities. She spoke about the importance of having festivals in general and the need for women’s spaces such as festivals. Anima has been organizing a March 8 conference since 2009 to date, so Ervina talked about feminists from Montenegro gathering there, discussing current topics, learning, socializing and encouraging action.
After the participants’ presentations, a discussion was opened about the need for connection, strengthening solidarity as a strategy for resisting patriarchy and divisions. The importance of continuity of festivals and women’s meetings was discussed, especially for women organizations working in small, remote places whose voice is hard to hear.
Predstavljanje knjige Prilog kritici patrijarhalnog uma /
Razgovor: Feminizam i filozofska tradicija
Book presentation: Contribution to the critique of the patriarchal mind /
Talk: Feminism and the philosophical tradition
Ana Marković, prevoditeljka i hispanistkinja, predstavila je svoj prevod knjige “Prilog kritici patrijarhalnog uma” španske feminističke filozofkinje Selije Amoros. Knjiga se bavi kritikom moderne filozofije i patrijarhalnog logosa na kome se temelji, na primerima dela Rusoa, Kjerkegora, Kanta, Hegela…
Filozofski diskurs se često služi kategorijalnim dihotomijama priroda-kultura, unutrašnje-spoljašnje, biće za sebe – biće po sebi, kako bi pozicionirao ženu izvan kulture i kako bi, u krajnjoj liniji, opravdao podelu rada prema polu. Nakon što su predstavljeni citati iz dela pomenutih filozofa kao ilustracija filozofske mizoginije pod plaštom racionalne misli, razvila se diskusija s učesnicama Festivala o filozofskoj tradiciji, savremenom obrazovanju i odsustvu kritičke i feminističke perspektive u obrazovnim programima.
Ana Markovic, a translator and expert in Hispanics, presented her translation of the book Contribution to the Critique of the Patriarchal Mind by Spanish feminist philosopher Selia Amoros. The book deals with the critique of modern philosophy and the patriarchal logos on which it is based, on the examples of works by Rousseau, Kierkegaard, Kant, Hegel …
Philosophical discourse often uses the categorical dichotomies of nature-culture, internal-external, being-for-being, in order to position a woman outside of culture and, ultimately, to justify the division of labor by gender. After the quotations from the works of the mentioned philosophers were presented as an illustration of philosophical misogyny under the cloak of rational thought, a discussion developed with the participants of the Festival on the philosophical tradition, contemporary education and the absence of a critical and feminist perspective in educational programs.
Veče sa Biljanom Kosmoginom
Performans: Ženske priče – Kosmogina
Evening with Biljana Kosmogina
Performance: Women’s Stories – Kosmogina
Biljana Kosmogina je multimedijalna umetnica i aktivistkinja iz Beograda koja se bavi književnošću, performansom, fotografijom i novinarstvom. Performanse izvodi samostalno ili grupno na feminističkim, književnim i queer festivalima. Na Festivalu, u svom teorijsko-poetskom performansu – autorka kombinuje poeziju i delove svog eseja „Kako se živi feminizam: Ženske prakse na području Balkana“, objavljenog u feminističkom zborniku “Feministička teorija je za sve”, u izdanju Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju i Fakulteta političkih nauka u Beogradu, 2018. godine.
Kosmogina svoj performans zasniva na borbi protiv patrijarhata i falocentrične kulture, time što ženski polni organ personalizuje, individualizuje i politizuje. Ona glorifikuje i postavlja na društveno-politički pijedestal Pičku tako što je kandiduje u predizbornoj kampanji na predsedničkim izborima. Autorka veruje da će država sa Pičkom na čelu imati bolju budućnost i bolji međunarodni tretman. Kosmogina se takođe oslanja na performanse umetnica koje su je inspirisale, što je multimedijalno podržano, a u finalu izvodi svoju poemu: Pička feministička.
Kosmoginin rad je zasnovan na borbi za ženska i manjinska prava, propitivanju rodnih i seksualnih identiteta, te nemilosrdnoj kritici političkog sistema i patrijarhalnih odnosa u društvu. Piše za književne časopise i web-portale širom regiona, dobitnica je tri književne nagrade…
Biljana Kosmogina is a multimedia artist and activist from Belgrade whose interests are literature, performance, photography and journalism. She does performances alone or in groups at feminist, literary and queer festivals. At the Festival, in her theoretical and poetic performance, the author combines poetry and parts of her essay “How to Live Feminism: Women’s Practices in the Balkans”, published in the feminist collection “Feminist Theory is for All,” published by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory and the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade, 2018.
Kosmogina bases her performance on combating patriarchy and phallocentric culture by personalizing, individualizing and politicizing the female genitalia. She glorifies and places the Cunt on the socio-political pedestal by running for presidency in the presidential elections. The author believes that the country with the Cunt at the forefront will have a better future and better international treatment. Kosmogina also draws on the performance of the artists who inspired her, which is multimedia supported, and in the finale performs her poem: Feminist Pussy.
Kosmogina’s work is based on the struggle for women’s and minority rights, the questioning of gender and sexual identities, and the ruthless criticism of the political system and patriarchal relations in society. She writes for literary magazines and web portals around the region, and is the recipient of three literary awards…
– “Srećna sam što sam dobila priliku da budem deo ovog fenomenalnog ženskog dogadjaja. Toliko divnih žena na jednom mestu, zadivljena sam”
Minja Nikolić, Stara Planina
– “I am fortunate to have been given the opportunity to be a part of this phenomenal women’s event. So many wonderful women in one place, I’m amazed.”
Minja Nikolic, Stara Planina
– Na Festival ženskog prijateljstva se dolazi po zagrljaje, energiju, ljubav, nova znanja i informacije, razmenu iskustava. Dolazim da se resetujem…”
Goca, Pirot
– “The Festival of Women’s Friendship comes with hugs, energy, love, new knowledge and information, exchange of experiences. Coming here to reset myself…”
Goca, Pirot
– Godišnji odmor isplaniram prema Festivalu ženskog prijateljstva, dakle, to je nešto to se ne propušta”
Ceca, Vlasotince
– “I plan my vacation depending on the Festival of Women’s Friendship, so that’s it something that is not to be missed.”
Ceca, Vlasotince
– Festival ženskog prijateljstva je za mene velika radost, retke su prilike da vidim toliko sjajnih žena na jednom mestu
– “The Festival of Women’s Friendship is a great joy for me, there are rare occasions to see so many great women in one place.”