Pravosnažna presuda Apelacionog suda u Kragujevcu u korist Impulsa i 11 aktivistkinja, prva je u srpskoj pravosudnoj praksi koja je donesena po osnovu pretpostavljene seksualne orijentacije!Hvala Global Fund for Womeni CIVIL RIGHTS DEFENDERS i advokatskoj kancelariji Aleksandar Olenik što su podržali našu borbu za pravdu.The final verdict of the Court of Appeals in Kragujevac in favor of 11 activists and the Association Impuls from Tutin is the first in Serbian judicial practice that was passed on the basis of presumed sexual orientation! Our gratitude goes to Global Fund for Women and CIVIL RIGHTS DEFENDERS and to the lawyer’s office Aleksandar Olenik for supporting our fight for justice.U nastavku možete pročitati saopštenje.

Apelacioni sud u Kragujevcu doneo je 23. avgusta 2021. godine presudu kojom je odbio žalbu tuženog, restoran ,,Ras’’ i Šemsović Jasmin iz Novog Pazara, i potvrdio presudu Višeg suda u Novom Pazaru iz marta 2021. kojom je, po tužbi jedanaest aktivistkinja i Udruženja ,,Impuls’’ iz Tutina, ,,utvrđeno diskriminatorsko ponašanje tuženih i to zbog diskriminacije, uznemiravanja i ponižavajućeg postupanja zbog kojeg je došlo do povrede dostojanstva tužilaca, stvoren je strah, neprijateljstvo i ponižavajuće i uvredljivo okruženje, a sve na osnovu pretpostavljene LGBT seksualne orijentacije, tako što su tuženi otkazali zakazanu večeru i ulazak tužilaca u restoran’’ i kojom ,,je zabranjeno tuženima da ponove izvršenu diskriminaciju’’. Prethodno je Viši sud u Novom Pazaru utvrdio da su restoran ’’Ras’’ na Pazarištu tj. preduzeće ,,Code Trade JNJ’’ kao i Šemsović Jasmin, zajedno, izvršili čak četiri oblika teške diskriminacije, jer su tužilje uznemiravali i prema njima ponižavajuće postupali, diskriminisali su ih u pružanju javnih usluga i to na osnovu pola i na osnovu pretpostavljene seksualne orijentacije. Odluka Apelacionog suda u Kragujevcu je to i konačno potvrdila.Takođe, presudom po žalbi tuženog, a u korist tužilja, utvrđeno je da je razlog za diskriminaciju pretpostavljeno LGBT seksualno opredeljenje i da je radnja diskriminacije otkazivanje unapred zakazane večere i zabrana ulaska u restoran.Tuženi su takođe u obavezi da ,,prestanu i da ne ponavljaju diskriminaciju’’, kao i da nadoknade troškove sudskog postupka. Svaka tužilja sada ima pravo na naknadu štete zbog povrede časti i ugleda do čega je došlo zbog izvršene diskriminacije, a to pravo se koristi podnošenjem nove tužbe samo za naknadu štete.

Ova presuda Apelacionog suda je konačna tj. pravosnažna i kao takva, prema rečima tužilja, žena koje su suprotstavile diskriminaciji i u sudskom postupku izvojevale pobedu nad diskriminatorom/ima, predstavlja veliki korak ka ostvarivanju ljudskih prava i zaštiti onih koja ta prava brane, a koji se sve češće nalaze na udaru različitih desno orijentisanih pojedinaca i grupa.Podsećamo da se diskriminacija dogodila 2019. godine u okviru IV Festivala ženskog prijateljstva ,,Pobuna je ženska’’, koju u Tutinu već nekoliko godina organizuje Udruženje ,,Impuls’’, Tutin. Učesnice festivala tada nisu mogle da dođu u restoran ,,Ras’’na Pazarištu, na unapred rezervisanu i dogovorenu večeru, jer je vlasnik restorana odlučio da ih ne primi u restoran, zbog pretpostavke da je reč o LGBT osobama, a ,,takvim osobama je zabranjen pristup’’. Otkazivanje gostoprimstva pratile su laži, uvrede, omalovažavanje, vređanje i pozivanje na nasilje nad aktivistkinjama. Zbog toga su se one odmah obratile svim nadležnim državnim institucijama, kao i organizacijama za zaštitu ljudskih prava. Pravosnažna presuda u njihovu korist dokaz je da su u odbrani prava i zakona i – uspele.English bellow:PRESS RELEASE REGARDING THE RULING OF THE COURT OF APPEALS IN KRAGUJEVACOn August 23, 2021, the Court of Appeals in Kragujevac rendered a verdict rejecting the defendant’s appeal, i.e., that of the restaurant “Ras” and Šemsović Jasmin from Novi Pazar, and upheld the verdict of the High Court in Novi Pazar from March 2021, according to which it , “established discriminatory behavior of the defendants due to discrimination, harassment and degrading treatment that violated the dignity of eleven activists and the Association “Impuls” from Tutin, causing fear, hostility and a humiliating and insulting environment, all based on presumed LGBT sexual orientation, by the defendants canceling the scheduled dinner and the entry of the plaintiffs into the restaurant “and by which” the defendants are forbidden to repeat the committed discrimination “. Previously, the High Court in Novi Pazar determined that the restaurant “Ras” in Pazarište, that is, the company “Code Trade JNJ” as well as Šemsović Jasmin, together, had committed as many as four forms of severe discrimination, by harassing and humiliating the plaintiffs, and discriminating against them in the provision of public services on the basis of gender and presumed sexual orientation. The decision of the Court of Appeals in Kragujevac finally confirmed that.Also, the verdict on the appeal of the defendant, and in favor of the plaintiff, determined that the reason for discrimination was a presumed LGBT sexual orientation and that the cancellation of a pre-scheduled dinner and the ban on entering a restaurant constituted an act of discrimination.The defendants are also obliged to “stop and not repeat the discrimination”, as well as to reimburse the costs of the court proceedings.Every plaintiff is now entitled to compensation for damage to parts and reputation caused by discrimination, and that right can be exercised by filing a new lawsuit only for damages.This ruling of the Court of Appeals is final, i.e., according to the plaintiffs, the women who opposed discrimination and won a victory over the discriminator(s) in court proceedings, it represents a major step towards the realization of human rights and the protection of the defenders of those rights, who are increasingly under attack by various right-wing individuals and groups.Let us remind of the fact that discrimination happened in 2019, during the IV Festival of Women’s Friendship “It is a Women’s Rebellion”, which has been organized in Tutin for several years by the Association “Impulse”, Tutin. At that time, the participants of the Festival were not allowed to come to the restaurant “Ras” in Pazarište, for a pre-booked and pre-arranged dinner, because the owner of the restaurant decided not to admit them in the restaurant, due to the assumption that they were LGBT people, and “access is denied to such individuals”. The cancellation of hospitality was accompanied by lies, insults, belittling, offensive language and calls for violence against the activists. Therefore, they immediately addressed all competent state institutions, as well as human rights organizations.A final verdict in their favor is proof that they have succeeded in defending their rights and the law.

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