Festivala ženskog prijateljstva
“I am You”… Impressions from this year’s
Festival of Women’s Friendship
Početkom avgusta 2017. godine smo održale i IV Festival ženskog prijateljstva u Tutinu. Festival je nosio poruku “Ja sam Ti” i bio je posvećen ženama u izbeglištvu. Ugostile smo oko 50 feministkinja iz BIH, Crne Gore, Kosova i Srbije. Kroz trodnevno druženje, razgovore i razmenu iskustava, utisci učesnica su da je Festival bio uspešan, sjajan, autentičan…
Program je bio raznovrstan, a najveću pažnju je izazvala predstava “U potrazi za življivim životom”. Pripremile su je aktivistkinje Impulsa, kao izraz solidarnosti sa ženama iz izbegličkih kampova, a bazirana je na istinitim pričama izbeglica, smeštenih u kampovima u Tutinu i Sjenici. Želele smo da, putem predstave, problem žena u izbeglištvu učinimo vidljivijim. Da stavimo akcenat na univerzalnost ženske patnje. Da budemo njihov glas koji će mnogi čuti i da više ne budu broj – već ono što jesu – ljudska bića sa imenom i prezimenom, istorijom, kulturom, sudbinom…
In the beginning of August 2017, the Fourth Festival of Women’s Friendship was held in Tutin. The message of the Festival was “I am You” and it was dedicated to women refugees. We invited around 50 feminists from BH, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia. After three days of socializing, discussions and exchange of experiences, the overall impression of the participants was that the Festival had been successful, brilliant, authentic…
The program was varied, and the performance “In pursuit of a more vibrant life”. It was conceived and realized by Impuls activists, as an expression of solidarity with the women from refugee camps and based on true stories of women living in the refugee camps of Tutin and Sjenica. Our intention was to make visible the problem of women in exile. To place emphasis on the universality of women suffering. To be their voice that many will hear, and not merely a number – which they already are – but human beings with a name and surname, history, culture and destiny…
…“Krijumčari su nas dovezli do planine obrasle šumom iza koje se nalazi granica sa Turskom. Nas 15 je bilo u jednoj grupi. U mraku i tišini smo koračali kroz šumu. Da bismo se brže kretali, ostavili smo torbe sa ličnim stvarima. Ja sam nosila Mardžan, tada je imala tek pet meseci.. Teško smo se kretali, umorni, iscrpljeni, “blizu smo, samo još malo, samo još malo izdržite” – govorili smo deci. Blizu smo prelaza u Tursku. Snaga me je izdavala… Jedan mladić, koji je bio sa nama u grupi, uzeo je Mardžan u naručje. Dala sam mu je kako bih skupila malo snage da nastavim dalje… Išao je ispred nas. Mardžan je spavala. Glavica joj je visila preko njegovog ramena. Zapucalo je… Mladić je potrčao u šumu… Hej stani! Čekaj nas! Hej… ali Mardžan, Mardžan je kod tebe!.. Odneo je Mardžan… Majko moja, majko, kako mi se zove majka, zaboravila sam ne mogu da se setim, telefon, daj mi telefon, koga da zovem, ne znam broj … Mardžan! Mardžan! Bože, kad će zora. … Kako ću je naći… Ubiće ih, oteli su mu je, da li je nekom prodata… Ne mogu da hodam, neću da idem bez nje… Mardžan! Mardžan…” – Avganistanka
…“The smugglers drove us to a wooded mountain behind which stretches the Turkish border. There were 15 of us in a group. We paced through the woods silently in the darkness. We left behind our bags with personal belongings, so we could move faster. I was carrying Marjan, who was just five months old… We struggled on, tired and exhausted, and kept telling the children “we are getting closer, we’re almost there, hold on just a bit more”. We were approaching the Turkish border. My strength was draining out… A young man, who was in our group, took Marjan in his arms and carried her. I’d given her to him so I could gather some strength to continue… he was pacing in front of us. Marjan was sleeping. Her little head was leaning over his shoulder. Suddenly, we heard shots… The young man ran through the woods… Hey, stop! Wait for us! Hey… but Marjan, Marjan is with you!.. He’d taken away Marjan… Mother, oh mother, what’s my mother’s name, I forgot, I cannot remember her name, the phone, give me the phone, who shall I call, I don’t know the number … Marjan! Marjan! My goodness, how much longer till daybreak … How shall I find her… They are going to kill her, they took her away from him, has she been sold to someone… I cannot walk, I don’t want to go without her… Marjan! Marjan…” – An Afghan woman
“Predstava jasno govori da je svaki život na tom izbegličkom putu priča za sebe i da se tako treba razumeti. Mi ovde vidimo žene, njihove živote… one nisu brojke – već majke, sestre, drugarice, supruge”…
Medina Mujić, aktivistkinja i feministkinja
Zapaženo je bilo i predavanje Adriane Zaharijević, koje je održano odmah nakon predstave, sa temom “Mi izbeglice – život koji se ne može živeti”.
Prvi deo obrađuje motiv koji je uvela Hana Arent 1943. godine kratkim tekstom naslovljenim „Mi izbeglice“. Šta znači to „mi izbeglice“, ko su ti „mi“, i možemo li i mi jednom i nekad biti izbeglice? Figura izbeglice se čita i promišlja kroz nekoliko varijacija na frazu koju je uvela Arent, s posebnim osvrtom na ideju ljudskih prava, građanstva, straha, teritorije i pripadanja. Figura izbeglice nam takođe omogućava da uvedemo razliku između prava na život i prava na život koji se može živeti. Druga celina u tom smislu testira tezu prema kojoj je za življiv život neophodno da budu ispunjena tri uslova: jednakost, odsustvo siromaštva i odsustvo rata; tri uslova koja su u slučaju izbeglica duboko upitna.
“The performance clearly shows that every life on that refugee route is a separate story, which should be understood that way. Here, we see those women, their lives… the aren’t just figures – but mothers, sisters, friends, wives”…
Medina Mujić, activists and feminist
The lecture given by Adriana Zaharijević just after the performance was outstanding. It was entitled “We refugees – a life that can’t be lived”.
The first part deals with the motive introduced by Hannah Arendt in 1943, with a short title “We Refugees”. What does “we refugees” mean and can we also become refugees at some point? The image of refugee was read and contemplated through several variations of the phrase introduced by Hannah Arendt, with special emphasis on the idea of human rights, civilians, fear, territory and belonging. The image of refugee also helps us to tell apart the right to life and the right to a life that can be lived. The second part develops the idea according to which there are three preconditions to such a life: equality, and absence of poverty and war; all three preconditions are highly dubious in the case of refugees.
Sadržaj IV Festivala su činili i filmovi, diskusije, radionice, javne akcije, a utisci učesnica su da je Festival okrenut feminističkim prijateljicama, da je osnažujući, upravo onakav kakav želimo da bude, isceljujući, prijateljski!
– «Dođemo da se oporavimo, dobijemo snagu, povratimo energiju»,
– «Topla dobrodošlica, briga naših prijateljica iz Impulsa je nešto što daje poseban pečat ovom Festivalu. Osećamo se voljeno, ispunjeno, među prijateljicama»…
Solidarna podrška, kao i prethodnih godina, bile su sestre: Adriana Zaharijević, Medina Mujić, Vedrana Frasto, Jelena Višnjić, Gordana Simonović – Veljković, Zana Hoxha Krasniqi, Vesna Bujošević, Biljana Kosmogina, Sandra Mandić, Ljerka Mezga Ćurčin, Biljana Branković…
Volonterke i volonteri Festivala ženskog prijateljstva:Emina Demirović, Violeta Đikanović, Mubina Ahmetović, Fatma Gološ, Haris Šaljić, Ajsela Demirović Ahmet Bato Henjas, Vasvija Grahovac, Haris Hamzagić, Agnesa Azemović, Bisera Ademović…
Pogledajte prilog Sandžačke TV mreže o IV Festivalu ženskog prijateljstva:
The program of the Fourth Festival contained films, discussions, workshops, and public actions, and the participants’ impressions were that the Festival was centered on our feminist friends, that it was empowering, just as we wanted it to be, healing and friendly!
– “We come here to recover, and regain strength and energy”,
– “A warm welcome and care by our friends from Impuls is something is the landmark of this Festival. We feel loved, fulfilled, in a friendly environment”…
Support in solidarity, just like the previous years, came from our sisters: Adriana Zaharijević, Medina Mujić, Vedrana Frasto, Jelena Višnjić, Gordana Simonović – Veljković, Zana Hoxha Krasniqi, Vesna Bujošević, Biljana Kosmogina, Sandra Mandić, Ljerka Mezga Ćurčin, Biljana Branković…
Volunteers at the Festival of Women Solidarity: Emina Demirović, Violeta Đikanović, Mubina Ahmetović, Fatma Gološ, Haris Šaljić, Ajsela Demirović Ahmet Bato Henjas, Vasvija Grahovac, Haris Hamzagić, Agnesa Azemović, Bisera Ademović…
Watch the coverage of Sandžak TV Network on the Fourth Festival of Women Solidarity at :
IV Festival je podržala OEBS Misija u Srbiji u okviru projekta “Lokalne inicijative u Tutinu i Sjenici” u pružanju podrške ženama izbeglicama, a u okviru NAP za primenu UNSCR 1325.
Podelite sa nama utiske o Festivalu! Svaka reč će nam mnogo značiti!
The Fourth Festival was supported by OSCE Mission in Serbia within the project “Local initiatives in Tutin and Sjenica” helping women refugees, as part of NAP for implementation of UNSCR 1325.
Share your impressions of the Festival with us! Every word will mean a lot to us!