Festival ženskog prijateljstva smo pokrenule 2013. i od tada se organizuje u Tutinu u prvoj polovini avgusta svake godine (osim 2016.). Traje 3 dana i okuplja feministkinje iz regiona – Crne Gore, Bosne i Hercegovine, Srbije i Kosova. Imale smo potrebu da stvorimo prostor u kojem će feministkinje moći da posvete vreme jedne drugima i razmene iskustva proistekla iz dugogodišnje borbe protiv nasilja, diskriminacije, rasizma, homofobije, fašizma.
Festival ženskog prijateljstva je mesto ženskog povezivanja, mesto susreta prijateljica iz regiona, afirmisanja ženskog stvaralaštva, razmene ideja, solidarnosti i podrške.
The Festival of female friendship was started in 2013, and since then, it has been organised in Tutin in the first half of August every year (except 2016). It lasts 3 days and gathers feminists from the region – Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Kosovo. A need arose to create a place where feminists can dedicate time to each other and exchange experiences from the long struggle against violence, discrimination, racism, homophobia, and facism.
The Festival of female friendship is a place of female bonding, a place where friends from the region meet, where female creativity is recognised, where ideas are exchanged; a place of solidarity and support.
Festival je mesto gde slavimo sebe, feminizam i sestrinstvo!!!
Specifičnost Festivala je otvorenost – organizacije iz regiona imaju mogućnost da učestvuju u kreiranju programa. Kroz pozorišne predstave, filmske projekcije, radionice i panele – otvaraju se pitanja važna za ženski pokret, propituje se ženska solidarnost, afirmiše žensko stvaralaštvo, dekonstruiše odnos malih, patrijarhalnih sredina prema ženskom delovanju na pitanjima suočavanja sa prošlošću.
The Festival is a place where we celebrate ourselves, feminism and sisterhood!
The peculiarity of the Festival is its openess – organisations from the region have the possibility to participate in the programme creation. Through stage plays, motion pictures, workshops and panels – various issues related to women’s movement are raised, female solidarity is discussed, female creativity is affirmed, and the relationship between small, patriarchal environments and female participation in facing the past is deconstructed.
Na Festivalu ženskog prijateljstva je uvek puno dobre energije! Radujemo se četvrtom po redu – dobrodošle i dobrodošli!
The Festival of female friendship is always full of energy! We look forward to the fourth one in a row – welcome!